Craig - With a liquid to air settup the guys at Vortec was addiment that the right way to handle a aftercooler in my case was come straight off the outlet of the radiator. It then becomes a radiator sizing problem. Seems they think that the back radiator, such as in your settup, will act as a air dam for the front radiator, creating a high pressure area behind the front radiator. And no amount of shrouding tricks etc. will alieve this. Unless of course you move the front after/inner cooler radiator to somewhere else, as most exotic midship cars have done.
With a liquid to air setup you will have to run a slightly larger surge tank to the inlet of the radiator to take the flow from the hot side of the innercooler. The results are lighter because you are using less stuff, work better and trust me, water coming off your radiator will work, quite well as a matter of fact.
And for heavens sake switch over your fans to a puller setup, complete with proper shrouding. Use a Spal fan setup, all the rest are junk in my opinion, though I don't know what's in Aussie land.
I was meaning to talk to you about this (about loosing all the hardware) a year back, but sorta forgot about it though. I know that is a air to air setup you are using, but the front cooler is in the same quandry I mentioned above. Maybe a switchover to a liquid to air setup is the right thing to do. The aftercooler I just recieved is about 2 foot (american) long, 14inches wide and 8 inches thick, with 1 inch water inlet holes. Weighs about 7 lbs U.S., cost me 1400$ U.S. and is coated with the same stuff that Vortec/Paxton pressure boxes are coated with. (chrome like) I plan on installing it just in front of the engine turning the supercharger outlet straight down directly into it. If you go this way you will have to loose all of that pretty tubing and that radiator block of whatever in the front of your car. I think you know this, but a liquid to air setup is MUCH more efficient. Laws of physics and all that.
The ricer guys I've seen around here, get around this problem of liquid to air setups by moving the front radiator/s to the side or above/below the radiator, sometimes using even 3 small radiators. All of the factory stuff I've seen is a joke though, for a mad dog hot rodder that is. Till later,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Wilf - sorta know what you mean. GO COLTS!!!!!!