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Elected or appointed? Leave my hanging chad out of this Al. Lets do it?
Let talk about that one. Great leaders (not me!) are great leaders because of great followers. Would Captain Kirk be where he is with out Spock? Would the Lone Ranger been great without Tonto? I think not! FDR, arguably one of the finest presidents in this countries history, was so succesful (IMHO) because he recognized a need and created oportunity for the 'followers' to acheive success. Great followers are great leaders that don't enjoy all the paper work and red tape!
Synergy. It is what makes a club, organization, business or country. With that said, it is all up to you. Here is your oportunity. If you want to organize a cruise, meet and great, breakfast, card game, build, charity event, whatever......... go for it. I will be there. If five people show, then so be it. If 50 people show, then great! But if there are no events, no one has an opportunity to show!
I will get my mail list updated. Try to keep folks informed of the goings on. Help out in any way I can, but my time IS limited.
I don't expect this club to become a legal entity nor as active as say CACC or GLCC any time in the near future. It has been tried and frustrated many. It is all up to the members. The oportunity has been given!