Andy - couple of questions:
1/ Why a 302? 351 might be a better place to start, more options to increase bhp in the future for pretty much the same base costs now. Remember that you WILL get used to whatever power you have and want more at some stage.
2/ Why a HV
oil pump? Unless you are building to race bearing clearances (unlikely for a street car) a std vol + pressure
oil pump will do perfectly well, and reduce the chances of distributor drive gear breakage.
As per the question already asked - what is the car for? What kind of rpm limit do you want? Some of your choices are already limiting your safe rpms to the 5500-6000 mark.
Do you intend ever to go the blower or NOS route?
Have you properly worked out your CR with the heads/pistons you propose?
Do you have desktop dyno? If so, you can plug in some options, not so much to get absolute power figures, but to see what shape of torque curve comes out, hence drivability.