Wilf, good lord, the very person whos passing from the UK clobra club has left a hole in the Ford knowledge base! I trust you are well?
The aim is to use the car as a daily drive/weekend use, maybe with the odd track day.
302 chosen:
a) I liked the sound of it.
b) only 5l not 5.8l
c) slightly shorter deck height = no bonnet clearance issues (may be putting a trick air intake arrangement in for a remote air filter. Also not so wide.
d) Most imporantly its Ford!
e) I scared myself in a Type R that weighs more and has less power/torque!!
Not intending to blow it or use NOS, rev limit not too high as you say 5500 to 6000 rpm. (will be limited by the MSD ignition to 6000) HV
oil pump becasue Ive got a new one in a box upstairs!
Now decided on the Performer rpm heads not the TW's, aiming for 9.5:1 CR. Dyno2000 shows the setup I listed putting out 344BHP and 328 ft/llb torque. (at flywheel) peak power at 5500 rpm.
Im not after a screamer, or a stock motor. Something in between. Ive been told the 268H is a good cam with a slight lope and good top end. Again the dyno curve looks nicer than the rpm cam, not so much top end.
BTW Ive just purchased a brand new rpm intake on Ebay for $127.50, thats £50 cheaper than UK prices by the time youve added import and the dredded!
What do you/people think of Speed pro hypereutectic pistons? Are they any good and can Keith black Silv-o-lites work with press fit rods?
What do you think now? Any advice.