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Everything has its price
As many of you have seen that an inexpensive project almost always goes way over budget and then you get to the dollar territory that can either have a Shelby tag or a Kirkham, the choice seems clear to me.
Forget the resale. Forget the detail. Forget the snob appeal. At the end of the day, I bet most would equal trade their XYZ Cobra for a Shelby or Kirkham and not look back.
I remember back in 1966 when the Addidas sneakers got popular. They were white leather with Black stripes and a lot of cash for a growing kid that was going to grow out of them in a season or so. My parents only got me the inexpensive vinyl ones. I always envied the kids that had the real ones. I knew the difference but only had the ability to have the practical copy.
-Today I have the leather ones.
If they were the same price in 1966 you can be sure I would have had the Addidas.
All am I saying that if the money is equal or really close at the end of the day, the other multitudes of Cobra Replica manufacturers will begin to lose market share.