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i switched to grundy about 2 yrs ago when my other carrier stopped handling cobras/replicas despite 3 toy cars covered for 10 yrs with them and a clean record.
grundy however does have some restrictions : no one under 25 allowed to drive the car, not regular transportation, no racing or speed events, no errands, no parking lot parking, cant drive to work and a few others. rates are fair however and i can live with their restrictions. however, know that if you don't abide by their rules and have an incident that is attributed to violation of same then insurance for that claim is null and void. "you play and stray, then you pay " i guess would summarize it.
most other collector type car insurance co's have similar restrictions, it is the sign of the times (high claims rate for cobra replicas by most carriers) and a trade off for lower rates and other perks : zero deductible, agreed value being two big ones. bill