The next time you change the
oil on your SPF, unbolt the
oil filter adapter (the head of the bolt and nut is 13mm) Go to the hardware store and purchase (3 each) 5/16 x 1-1/2 bolts with matching lock nuts and washers and (3) 7/16 nuts.
Install the 7/16 nuts between the adapter and frame mount (they act as spacers) and bolt back together with the longer bolts. You will now have plenty of room to get to your
oil filter.
If you want to be trick, you can have some aluminum spacers made instead of the nuts but honestly, you'll never notice them.
This trick won't work on 460 cars because there's not enough room in front of the engine. I don't recomend the little filters as they were designed with 4 and 6 cylinder in mind, do the mod and use a full size filter.
Originally posted by Zoom This
The ziploc idea is a very good one. Since I have only changed the oil once on my new SPF...I made a mess. Those of you that have an SPF with the remote filter mounted on the front frame rail...does your full length filter unscrew (I use Wix) from the adapter all the way for removal before it hits the frame rail?? I was told to loosen up the adapter where it bolts to the frame so as to tilt the filter to get it away from the frame rail. Well, not only did I make a mess (lesson learned) but it was a significant project to get three bolts loose and retightened for the remote filter adapter while doing it from above. Does your filter clear the frame rail using a standard size filter?