Face it gentleman, even if this thing goes through and the car is built I don't think there are very many of us that can step up to the counter and put our dollar down--some of us yes--most of us no--if we had that much "disposable income" we'd all be driving Shelbys or Kirkhams w/ bb 427so, instead of our Uniques, or FFrs, or Eras, or whatever other make right now.
So BFD ain't gonna change squat in the Cobra biz(unless they sell a turnkey minus for around $25K)--those that can afford them will buy them, and have "bragging" rights
--those that can't will purchase something else, build it, and be just as happy.
Why get your shorts in a wad because of a news release? That may or may not come to fruition.
my snake don't dent