Beautiful car, good luck and hang in there. Someone will get a nice car and a wonderful conversation piece. I love taking the car to cruise-ins and while some people know the 427 story, few know much about the FIA cars, the dimples, the passenger side speedo, 'backwards' rollbar, the race history... defintely fun...
As a fellow Unique 289 owner, I am glad I went with the 289. I was waffling between the 427 and 289 and the BFG banner came in the mail a few days before I ordered my car. Seeing the BFG poster come out of the tube, I said "that's it", and have never been sorry. I also did some research and found out the banner is a Unique 289FIA that I believe is Bob Shaw's car in CA... I even talked to him a few times and put on the same PSE wheels he used.. but went with guardsman blue with wimbleton stripes. I am now converting to pin drive Trigo FIA wheels that I just got back from getting the centers painted wimbleton white... (like the viking blue #11 car) they look great.
As for Unique, there is no better group of people than the Weavers. They make a quality product and provide personal, first class support.
...end of ad...