Originally posted by Mark Monroe
Hey Dave,
Congrats on the wicked engine. Your motor is exactly something that I would like to have some day.
What kind of exhaust -- header, header pipe size, side pipes, etc -- do you plan on using? It would be a shame to choke down such a nice powerful engine.
Thanks... I had the same concerns. I talked with Keith about header tube dimensions (effect on TQ & Hp) and then sourced a set of custom polished SS headers and sidepipes for my new car. I've been taking some heat off line about name dropping and brand/product -promoting so I'll shoot you private message about my SS headers & pipes. Seems some people are a little touchy about this stuff !
Will that intake fit under the hood and still allow for an air cleaner and what not that will not choke things down?
Yup, it should. I used custom motor mounts and the SPF's have a slightly taller hood scoop.
What kind of transmisson do you plan to use and what do you expect the chassis hp numbers to be once the engine is installed with full accessories etc?
I'm using a TKO initially while I eyeball the new TKO 600 series or a T56. We'll see. As for the RWHP, my install is being done a Keith Craft Motorsports in Plano, TX. Drew is going to chassis dyno everything when we're done so I can let you know then.
Thanks for the comments
You're very welcome. I'll keep you posted on my progress... I gained a great deal of knowledge from other peoples posts like this one... I'll be pleased if I can return the favor somehow...