Originally posted by bnewell
Hey bud, what are those idiots complaining about now???
Must have been the SB guys doing all the whining
Geez... just replying to this will probably provoke another avalanche of nasty stuff. I'm not naming names or divulging identities because this stuff came to me offline, but some apparently see these kinds of threads as some kind of self promotion. My intent was to share my uncontrollable & unbridled joy at the results achieved by Keith. Dean Rosen & Mark Dove lent a great deal of assistance as well. I see how this can all be misinterpreted... and I understand some thinking I'm bragging... but I'm just damn happy and sharing it !

I didn't intend to offend anyone.
You know... I did a lot of research and planning (and negotiating!) to get to this point with this dream... I just want to share it with people who understand and feel likewise !
P.S. I need to resize some photos... I'll try to post those later.