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Money damages is only one form of relief that can be sought. I was thinking more in the line of injunctive relief prohibiting Lubinsky from producing MkIII and MkIV bodies and chasis in violation of his "licensing rights". I would have thought Price would not want to give those rights up as they could be an asset for him and his SPF empire and keep CS from completing the "circle" so to speak.
On the other hand Price may be thinking that if Lubinsky can start to generate money from operating the plant there is now a source through which his debts could be repaid assuming Lubinsky hasn't transferred the tooling assets and logo and name rights to a new corporate shell.
Maybe Price just doesn't care anymore or maybe he never got the "rights" in writing and feels he would lose in court. Who knows.
All I know is that right now if I were buying one of the AC/Autokraft Shelbys I wouldn't advance any money until the car was on the ground here and I got the certificate of origin in exchange for the $$.
Still confused.
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