Originally posted by bobl
OK.... we will step up to the plate. Kansas City is centrally located on 3 major interstates I-29/35/70. We have a GREAT road course facility at Heartland in Topeka, a superb drag strip KCIR (KC Int'l Raceway) and a new NASCAR track just 20 minutes from our plant. Top that with the KC Royals, a really FABULOUS city to visit, and a visitor's and convention bureau we can bring in to assist...and we can whip up a great time for all.
PREMIER has a 50,000 sq ft facility. We have the ability to host such an event. We have the Mid-America Cobra Club (although I am not a member and can't speak for them ) and I'll wager where there's a charity event needed to help a little girl - these guys will ALL step up.
So.....I'm making the offer. Until this guy is cuffed - or toe tagged - you may consider Kansas City an alternate location for DVSFIV. Ed, you tell me what you need and I'm in....penny or a pound. 24/7 if need be till you can take the helm again.
913-321-2225. Call if you wish 24/7 365. I'm quite serious. A man with a social conscience who is as generous and kind as you are deserves some help when the gameplan goes sour. Heck, who knows, maybe we begin the tradition of an annual DV Fall Fling as well to provide a second venue for you.... But that's your call.
We're here if you need us!
Bob, A really nice offer! I think KC is great and a perfect central location.
Maybe we can all consider regional Pre-Fling fund raisers leading up to a KC Fling later in the year and before it gets too cold! That way those that want to host the Fling can host a mini-version.
A critical factor will be to make sure, as best as possible, that it is a Cobra maker agnostic event.
Bob Root