Savor those moments. I never had a daughter, I have two sons. When I got my GTO, one was 13 and the other was 11. Despite many attempts on my part, neither was ever very interested in cars or cruising. Hence, the dog. When one did show an interest in cars, it was the "rice burners" that got his attention.
You may find, as many parents have, that at some point your daughter develops a "life" with her own friends and activities. At that point being seen with parents becomes "way uncool". If this happens, don't be hurt, it's just a fact of life. It's a stage they pass through.
Thanks for sharing info about your cruisin' partner. As much as I love to cruise with my dog, your crusin' buddy beats mine by miles.
Savor those moments.
A follow-up: I didn't mean to give the impression I go trolling for young ladies. I am happily married to the love of my life, my best friend (with two or four legs). Still, I find an aging male ego enjoys female attention, even if it is directed at his car. LOL
Best Wishes,