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You know it really amazes me the time you guy's have to say all these wonderful things about me.
The original post was a learning expirience and I appreciate the info I learned about my 65 cobra.As far as this car goes I'm just going once again by what I'm told.If we're running an ad in Dupont taking deposits I have to believe this one has a little more validity to it!.I'm glad that I posted here to learn what I can and have educated others based on your knowledge.I met Jay in person and he was kind enough to talk to me about alot of different things ,But now it seems like all you Guy's have better to do is bash me.I hope those particular people don't ever have to rely on the kindness of a stranger.Because Karma will bite you in the Butt.I thank you for your time.Can someone tell me how to unscribe form this site.I would hate to waste my time and yours any longer.