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Old 03-06-2004, 06:46 AM
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I live in upstate New York. On top of the price of gasoline we have: New York state sales tax, county tax and then a federal surcharge on top, which amounts to taxing the product and the tax. At one time Gas stations were required to post the tax on a gallon of gasoline, but they are not anymore. I have the feeling if people knew how much tax was on one gallon of gas they would hang the politicians. The local paper printed an article that when gas was $1.50 in our county .60 cents was tax! And I hope no one responds to this post telling me we need the tax for roads. In New york we pay tax on: oil, tires, auto-registration, county road tax, town road tax, tolls.....yadda,yadda,yadda it goes on! All SUPPOSIDLY for our roads. Most of the taxes collected to not go into a dedicated highway fund, they are dropped into the general fund. The road I live on looks like a testing ground for army tanks because of all the frost heaves, pot holes, and general deterioration. Oil companies have a right to make a profit, oil is a comodity that will fluctuate with supply and demand. I want some tax relief! I think we all understand an accept this fact.
I will now get off my soap-box.

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