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After reading all of your post on this matter I have a few questions. How do you vote? For freedom and low taxes not just at the federal level but at the state and local level?
Or like to many people in this country do you vote for the person that claims he will screw someone else out of their money to help your area? Just how long can you rob Peter to pay Paul?
You want lower prices vote for people that think like you do. You want a safer country that will stand up for it's self and it's people vote that way. If you really want to see a HUGE drop in every item you pay for get in touch with your reps and start pushing a National Sales Tax bill to get rid of the IRS.
How many of you know how much money you really make not just take home pay?
And one more little thing, I do not like high fuel cost but have any of you figured inflation into the cost of gas since the 60's till now? Hate to tell you but it is less when figured in with inflation now than it was then. Why not stop buying milk for our kids or bread? I remember buying milk for less than a buck not long ago or bread for less than .50 so what happened?
Only partly sorry for the rant but politics is another passion of mine.
I just so wish the people of this country would stop voting in the short sighted way they have been, me first and hang the rest of them, and start voting for what is best for everyone of us. Less taxes and less government in our life.
Bruce Edwards
Gemini Motorcars Inc.