It would be redundant to talk more about initial purchase but I can attest to the fact that they go above and beyond long after. I bought my car from Dynamic in 1999 (if you are slow with math that is 5 years ago). I had it in there just a few weeks ago for some last minurte "stuff" before I moved to Texas and outside of the Rosen's customer base (in other words, they had no obligation in terms of warranty and now little motivation in terms of future business to take "special" care of me). I saw the invoice on some paint work they had done (nearly a grand to clean up a little mark in the paint). The also leveled the car on all four corners, changed
oil, put new MSD distriburor in, New intake manifold gasket, bled brakes, and a BUNCH of other small stuff and all they charged me for was the distributor cap and gasket.
Yep. My next vehicle will be another Superformance. But I have to wear this one out first and with 5 years and 20K miles, it is still like new. It is indestrctable ----- WELL, unless you have it stolen and slammed into a telephone pole at 100+ MPH.