For all you guys that want a Big Block but just can't justify the cost, I may have just the solution for you.
I think I'm gonna develop the engine Falsie. Made of plastic but looks just like the real thing. Open you hood and slip the Falsie engine cover over your little engine and all of a sudden Big Boobs....I mean Big Block is sittin there just ready to impress all the lookers.
Comes in various brands and induction systems, 4 bbl, 2x4 bbl, fuel injection, supercharged.
Now you can eat your cake and still have it. All the streetability of a nice small block plus the bragging rights of the largest BB.
After all nobody really races a BB, they just show them off.
Stop spending 15-20-25K for a BB street engine when for just $19.95 you too can have all the bragging rights just like those guys with all the money.
Contact Cranky