Certainly hit the "nail on the head" with his observations and comments. I agree with most everything he said.
However, there are many on the FFR forum that will tell you about all their "problems, trials and tribulations" but almost all of them swear by the product and the FFR Factory.
I have had nothing but good dealings with them and they have done everything they said they would. I know they have back orders, shipping errors, etc. but doesn't everyone?
I have seen a few FFR's that would rival any other car out there with the exception of the Kirkham. I know several builders that have well in excess of $45,000 to $60,000 in their FFR's and yet others have built their car for under $20,000.
It all depends on what you want and what you are willing to do and spend on the "car of your dreams"!
Personally I spent over $7,500 more than I anticipated on my Spec Racer to do it "right"... in my humble opinion.
But that was my choice.
You certainly are on the right track in checking around about the car before you make a commitment.
Don't know if this is any help or not, but just wanted to express my $.02 worth as I said before.
Good Luck in your decision making process and with the "boss"! We all have to face that one!