"AutoMeter, Set of 7 Gauges.-
AutoMeter OEM Fit gauges. Black background, white foreground and chrome bezels. Bezel diameters: 4 inch and 2 inch. 12Volts system. Complete set of 7 gauges, includes 50-0-50amps electric Ampmeter, electric Fuel Gauge and Sender, 0-100psi mechanical
Oil Pressure Gauge, 60-140Deg
Oil Temp Gauge and Sender, 0-180MPH mechanical Reverse Speedo and Adapter, 0-8000RPM electric Tach, 60-140deg mechanical Water Temp with Sender. All Senders and Adapters are included. Set of 7 Gauges" My price is $465 with the pre cut dash..........
Bill S.