"AutoMeter, Set of 7 Gauges.-
AutoMeter OEM Fit gauges. Black background, white foreground and chrome bezels. Bezel diameters: 4 inch and 2 inch. 12Volts system. Complete set of 7 gauges, includes 50-0-50amps electric Ampmeter, electric Fuel Gauge and Sender, 0-100psi mechanical
Oil Pressure Gauge, 60-140Deg
Oil Temp Gauge and Sender, 0-180MPH mechanical Reverse Speedo and Adapter, 0-8000RPM electric Tach, 60-140deg mechanical Water Temp with Sender. All Senders and Adapters are included. Set of 7 Gauges" My price is $465 with the pre cut "Competition layout dash..........These are the same gauges that Kirkham uses in their cars these days. Far greater accuracy than the Smiths, but with the same look and feel..............
Bill S.