Originally posted by Lowell W
A year from now, you'll look back at your "$600 tool budget" and get a good chuckle.
Sorry, take that back. A month from now...

Heck, that "manly" toolbox will set ya back more than $600!
Seriously, though, just buy what you need when you need it and don't forget to take your wife out to dinner when a large purchase seems imminent. And keep your eyes and ears open for good deals on used stuff; there are lots and lots of good used tools out there.
Most of the guys with good tools don't like to loan 'em, but for stuff like an engine hoist and engine stand-big stuff that's seldom used and hard to damage-you may be able to find a loaner. Probably better not to hang a motor from the ceiling in your garage unless you brace it well and KNOW it can hold the weight. It would really suck to have the motor/tranny fall on the front of your new car.
Good luck! I ALMOST envy you, as buying tools is so much fun, but I definitely wouldn't want to start over!