sorry ......part number for carbs should read:
Some butcher in Sth Africa where i bought the carbs (in car )modified them and restamped the numbers.....
....have been opened up from 1-11/16ths to 1-13/16ths...sort of raises the cfm rating a bit i reckon....was originally installed in a Perana..(Mk I Ford capri ....boss 302) .....damn thing gave me a few sphinter tightining moments before bodily decontsruction caused by enthusiastic application of lead much for NZ$30.000.oo worth of car ...engine survived intact......
damn thing came with a 1/4 of a 20 ft container of spares
....apparently the original owner worked for SAMCO
(Sth African MOtor COrp.) amongst which were other parts listed and a whole lot more
(imagine grubby hands rubbing together and manic grin plasterd all over my face)

ps ....sorry no pics..... don't have a digital camera or scanner....sort of can't afford them with the amount of cars and parts bought over the years....when I've caught up with y'all tech wise i'll post some