Just wondering if anyone has taken delivery yet of one of the SA Cobras. CSX4758 has been painted and is in assembly right now with expected delivery within the next few weeks. The forum over on CSXinfo.net and the Shelby Owners Forum is like a Ghost town. Any ideas as to what's up? I think some don't want to post over here for one reason or another. I like it here! This is where my family is. Even though my new car has a CSX number to me it's just another replica. I had the chance to take delivery in a few months rather that a year waiting on another ERA. For me I just decided I could not wait a year for a car and made the plunge. Just wondering if anyone else is getting closer to delivery as I know several were built in Las Vegas while waiting on the SA cars. Bad news is they can't seem to come up with the stainless sidepipes and headers so I guess I'll do something else.