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PMS? Maybe that stands for "Positive Male Stimulation".... what will they think of next???
Maybe its GOOD to have stupid horsepower at your command.
Maybe its GOOD to have the ability to "light em up" and have an exhaust note that drowns out the boom box in the banger's car next to you at a light.
Maybe its GOOD to return to a time when PC wasnt the rule of the land, the bureaucrats werent strangling the last ounce of fun from our lives, and being your own person was a reality.
Maybe its GOOD to be a MALE in this sea of estorgen we're living in.
Maybe PMS is a GOOD thing..... and yes, there is a PREMIER Motorsports Cobra. Its real loud, its real fast, and its real fun. No apologies made from here nor are any necessary.....
Wanna put some real fun in your life? Have a Positive Male Stimulation experience!
All the best to you across the miles....
Bob Lockett, Chief Operating Officer
PREMIER MotorSports, LLC