It is with indescribable pride and joy that I would like to introduce everyone to Joshua Ryan Klayman, aka "baby Klayfish"!!!
Joshua was born on 3/25/2004 at 2:51am. He weighed in at 8lbs. 12ozs and was 20 1/2" long. He is in perfect health and doing awesome. My wife, Kara, is also doing great. She is my new hero. Watching her go through labor made me look at her in a whole new light. She was awesome. Also, the nursing staff at Paoli Memorial Hospital is second to none. They were so good to us, it made it easier. We're now at home getting adjusted and savoring every second with him.
Sorry, I don't have time to scroll through the pool to see who won. I've gotta make a few more announcements, then go wake up Kara and Josh and run some errands. Hope I didn't miss any important threads. Hope to see you all soon, either at the Fling IV or the Revolution, so you can meet Joshua in person.