One of the homes I looked at in SC had their garage floor coated. It looked great and I asked him how long ago he had it done. He said SEVEN years ago (and he showed me the reciept). It looked brand new. It's very close to the product a buddy of mine in Chicago had done a few years back and it has also held up fine (Durabond). Heck, I may buy that guys house just because of the garage!
The company he used is called Premier Garage ( They also do some pretty nice custom cabinets (the home owner had some of those as well, along with a nice built in work bench). Apparantly, these are small franchises all over the country. Check the website and there may be one near you. They do a solid color application, or they also offer a "simulated granite" (which this guy had) that looks awsome. Easy to maintain too. He said all he does is broom it out and every once in awhile he mops it. he said he's spilled gasoline and
oil on it many times and never had a problem. Just wiped off with a paper towell or rag. I also noticed that he owned a floor jack and I asked about damage from that. He walked over and started rolling it around, back and forth, and then he jumped up and down on it. It didn't leave a mark. Then he took a 2 by 4 that was propped up in a corner (about 4ft long) and started beating it into the floor! Not a scratch could be found.
..........I was sold.