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Sylvania SilverStars. They are the brightest sealed beam headlights around. A better option may be to scan the old JC Whitney catalog for an H3 rplacement lens. It's a plastic lens the same size as the H6024 (the single round headlight) that you can mount an H3 bulb in. The H3 has the same post wiring (no changes required) but can be found in significantly brighter lumens that the sealed beam. They are road legal as well. This is the route I took, and I can tell you the H3 SilverStars are MUCH better than the brightest H6024 I ever tried. Price is about 25
bucks a side for the lens' and bulbs (last time I bought them, anyhow). I use them in my '66 as well. No problems, and as easy as replacing a regular H6024 time and skill wise.
"I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious." Thomas Jefferson