The DVSF IV is progressing nicely. Tom will have the website updated within the next few days.
Registration will be open shortly. The fee will be the same as last year, $100.00. This will cover a family or group of four. PLEASE have FULL names of everyone you are bringing. We will need this for those really nifty name tags, which will be required to participate in all the events.
For the next few weeks the web site will be a little lacking while the DVSF agenda is finalized. New hotel information will posted ASAP. as well as our new and improved agenda.
Prep your cars, convince the wife that this is a really great family event, and most importantly make sure you get some rest before our weekend!
You think you put some miles on your Cobras at the last aint seen nuthin' yet!
DV..."WE" will do this,we ARE family!
P.s. As always, if you have a problem with the fee, e-mail me directly. NO one will be left behind!