Originally posted by Jim Kellogg
Jim was badly burned years ago while testing the new Chaparral 2H at Rattlesnake Raceway in Midland, Texas. I believe a cooling hose burst, and dumped hot coolant into the cockpit. I sent him a card, and was very suprised to receive a letter back from him.
Jim Kellogg [/b]
Jim, I was not aware of the accident. The 2H was outside and all together when I was there. It should be moving into the Chaparral Gallery today.
Mr. Rogers, who is restoring all the cars, did not speak highly of the 2H. He said that most of the innovation was in the composites areas. I could not believe how wide the tires were in the rear. The snaps of the 2H are on the club site.
I will be posting a number of other pix after the opening.