Thanks for taking the time to reply. If you'll be so kind as to reread the previous posts, you'll see this was your quote:
a new tire produced by a new company (in the US). It's called Maxxis
The point I was attempting (perhaps clumsily) to make was merely that, just because the company is in the US, doesn't mean (as the company often would like to have consumers believe) they're selling a US-made product. I also attempted to stress the point that poor quality, which seems to be endemic among prducts originating in the PRC, often is a trade-off for Wal-mart prices. To me that trade-off is unacceptable. So is supporting the mainland Chinese government; perhaps for you it's not a problem.
Then you say: "A scene from 'Kelly's Heros' (sic) comes to mind, when Donald Sutherland says, 'Enough with the negative vibes'!", and end by taking a slap at my choice of cars.
You can assume the typical liberal politically correct posture if you like, but I think you'll be hard-pressed to demonstrate that Superformance cars are an inferior product built with slave labor, regardless of the continent of origin.
Yep, I drive it: 10K miles in eight months last year but not at 130mph.