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Mr. Mustang:
According to several magazines my 5 speed 2000 SVT Contour can do a CLOCKED speed of 153 MPH, yet however according to you a 520 c.i 5 speed 2000 Superformance Cobra can't do 170 MPH? Most people in this thread stated "the speedo read" a certain MPH. I will have to tell the Olthoffs next time I see them that there "old" Superformance Cobra can't do over 140 MPH.
As I stated in my post, there was NO wind that morning and I was in a area were there are hills on both sides of the hiway. I quess there is some "magical" traction on a race track that glues the cars to the ground and stops the wind.
Most on this forum are aware of speedo's being off at higher speeds, several Hayabusa's have been clocked in the 190's when there speedo said around 220 MPH.
Last edited by BANDIT 1; 04-03-2004 at 09:03 AM..