.......And a back bone to boot

I like the direction you are taking it.
Be damn sure to get that "Squat" stance in the rear (Damn, I love that look). It would be neat to have them pedals come up through the floor. I know that's probably not in the cards at that target price. Maybe you could offer them as an upgrade/ option.
(or maybe you could tell me to take a hike)
Oh, and try to think about the guys who would want under car exhaust. I'm getting a little burned out on the S/C config.
Is the frame config. going to accept a readily available fuel cell?
Think servicability:
Like being able to remove the radiator fairly easy.
Being able to remove the headers without pulling the engine would be a real plus.
The trans will be removable from the bottom, yes???
Just my 2 cents, because that's all I can afford.
Christmas wish: optional mechanical clutch linkage..... THAT would be cool if you could manage it.