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Old 04-06-2004, 07:11 AM
sgianino sgianino is online now
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Default e-bay scamster! This guy is funny

For a good laugh , I have copied the original e-mail's from the very you think he is making it clear that he wants the deposit ?His wife happens to work for a moving company to. The first e-mail starts at the very bottom of this article to fully understand.Can you see the sarcastic remarks i put in there that went over his head.His spelling is a little scrambled

ok sir I will arange the shipping today I wait your email with the info abouth the deposit.

Absolutely !! Please arrange shipping of vehicle to the closest state
located near my residents in Boston Ma , Please have your wife contactl me
to arrange shipping details also i will need a copy of the original Title
or certificate of Origin.Im here @ work all day so if she calls during
buisness hours i will be here to give your wife all the info she needs.

Thanks Sal

so please let me know fi you will make the deposit because if you do that I
will arrange shipping.
Waiting! wrote:

WOW !!! thanks Shannon , your the best !Its a dream come
true.......................I been waiting for this deal a lifetim! e and to
think that someone was so generous and nice to make this possible is
great.See there is still decent human beings around this world.And to
that you would even pay the shipping back if im not totally satisfied is
very nice to do............your a rare breed of a guy or gal. KEEP UP THE

ok sir I undestand you are interested in my car so look you have to make
a deposit of 3000$ and after I recive the founds imediately I will send
the car my wife is employed at KLM Co! rporation and she has a special
and facility regarding cargo we don't have to worry
about not getting the car. I will even pay for the shipping back to my
location if you reject the car.
With this facility that ! my wife has , I agree to cover all the shipping
costs.That is the reason that I chose to sell it worldwide.
Here is my full name and adress:
Name:Shannon Goodwin
Adress:Muites Das Flores,No.49
Waiting! wrote:

Thank you for getting back to me so Quickly!!! Well if the car is still
available im more than interested and am not a tire kicker if you know
i mean.....................I will not waste your time.Please contact me to
discuss further details on what would be the next step.

Thanks Sal

Hello and thank you for contacting me
I will tell you a few words about the car..
First of all the car is fully restored and looks just like in the
pictures.It is in imaculate condition and has no schr! ach on and hasn't
been involved in any accident.
The motor runs very well. This is a clasic car that has a lot of the
original parts and thr tire! s are almost new.
The title is clear ,it is not a salvage one.
The car belongs to my brother. He died two weeks ago in a bike
The car is now in Portugal as my brother lived there.I am now here as i
took care of the funerals.
Because i can't carry all his things back home i am selling them.
I am willing to sell it and shipp it to any of the UE countries or to
US.I will not ship to any African,Asian or Eastern European countries.
I know that the price is low but i have no use for the car and I want
to get back home as soon as i sell it.
I want t! o sell the car asap so I am willing to pay the shi! pping
fees nomatter of the location.
I require a deposit of 3000USD, with the balance when the car arrive at
your shipping door.
The total price i hope to sell this car is 15,300 US! D
I will shipp using KLM 3-5 days, by plane to the nearest airport. From
there a truck will bring the car at your door.
The money is a reservation f! or the car.
First one who makes the deposit will be the buyer.I need the deposit to be
sure that you want the car and in order to proceed with shipping and all
the aditional export taxes.
I wait your further questions and i will provide any infos you need.
Thank you

Dear shambrala,

Hello , would you be able to release an asking price for this
vehicle and arrangements to be seen. Thanks Sal

To view the item, go to:

Thank you,

Last edited by sgianino; 04-07-2004 at 08:39 AM..