Originally posted by mrmustang
I believe that your additional posts on the subject of your 427 Cobra is being viewed as spam and self advertising becuase of the amount of times you have started new threads on this particular car.
Just my 2 cents worth on this particular thread and subject...........
Bill S.
PS: Very nice car by the way............
Geez, Bill. Thanks for your interest.
I am not trying to be an apologist for this guy, but what the heck are you talking about? (rhetorical...no answer necessary)
"...the amount of times you have started new threads on this particular car..."
The guy has started all of
TWO threads...
..one in the For Sale forum detailing the sale of the car..
..and one, HERE in the Deep South forum, inviting people to come and see the car at his business.
...and you think that's spam?????
C'mon. For this two-cents, you get change back.