I'm a real non-confrontationalist, but I engaged a guy once for about 2-3 minutes about the lineage of his Dodge Caravan and how it wasn't the original that made Chrysler Corporation a success in the 80's. Of course, it was incited by some idiotic question/comment to the effect of: "It ain't real, is it? This is one of those kit cars, isn't it?" First question. Not even "what's in it?"
So I say "no, you're right man. Well, it's actually not a kit b/c we didn't build it, it came like this without the motor and tranny. Say, what year's that Plymouth? That's not one of the originals, is it?"
"Whaddya mean?"
"Well, I mean, it's not an original. I mean it's a van, I see that. Got a motor in it and everything. Probably a technologically superior van to the original ones in that made lee Iacocca a hero. But it's still not an original, right?"
"No, I s'pose not."
"That's okay man, you don't have to sound like I kicked your dog, I was just curious. It's a nice van. I like it. You've got the 2.2 in there, right? Good motor, I hear. Good mid-range power. I was just wondering, I mean obviously it gets the job done, but it's not original, is it?"
"No. Man I didn't mean nothing by asking if this was a kit car, I mean it's beautiful..."