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I just visited Sacramento today and went to my local assemblyman who sits on the Assembly sub-committee which will be considering AB 2683 next week (April 12). His admin. assistant told me he is definitely opposed to the bill. By the way, I also visited the office of the Assemblywoman (Sally Lieber) who has introduced this bill and her admin. assist. hot denied that this bill will make cars older than 1976 subject to any type of smog check. She gave me a copy of the proposed bill and a flier outlining the major points of the bill. Both clearly state that any vehicle older than 1976 WILL NOT BE SUBJECT TO SMOG CHECK. What the bill does do is eliminate the 30 year rolling exemption for vehicles each year. Thus in 2006, under this bill, 1976 vehicles WILL NOT BE EXEMPTED FROM SMOG CHECK as they are scheduled to do under current law (Senate Bill 42 passed several years ago) and in 2007, 1977 cars won't be exempt etc. for each succeeding year.
Of course, their statement that pre 76 vehicles won't be affected is just a sop to us. This bill eliminates the 30 year rolling exemption and is just the first step down a slippery slope towards total repeal of SB 42 in the future. If you're a California resident and voter, tell your local assemblyperson to vote against this bill.
Tony Sousa