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Maybe now we will all find out why even under SB-100 we were made to go to Smog Referee, for our cars that were not expected to pass the emission tests to begin with.
It made no sense. There was no fee associated with it, so we were not being asked to go there prior to final visit to DMV for them to extract a few more bucks. It was and IS free. Why then the visit to test a car that could NOT fail!!
Well, it is like the gun registration.
"we have nothing against the guns, we just want them registered".
Those of us who had their cars registered under SB-100 all own gross polluters. They gave us a pass under the current law.
What happens when the rolling 30 year goes into effect?
Remember our cars are NOT registered as 1965 or 1966. they are registered as 2003-2004 Special Construction.
What is to stop them from revoking or demanding that our cars must pass the new emission requirements. They are newer than 1976.
It is getting uglier than expected. I got calls from two different friends yeterday. Both are scared to death with what is going on. One of them who has been building his car for the last three years is scheduled for a visit from DMV and an iinvestigator.
They want to go see his car this Friday.
The other has missing paperwork, and is scared to death his car may be confiscated. We also found out yesterday, they are after Porsche, Ferrari, Beck and few other replicas. They are claiming numbers in the thousands will be visited, contacted. They see lot of revenue potential. The last number I heard was 78,000 vehicles that may get this close a scrutiny.
I suppose we are in good company, there maybe stregth in numbers, but we are getting picked up one by one.
I have heard of more than 4 registrations being revoked, titles suspended.
In my case my perfectly legal SB-100 registration caught the attention of DMV, and instead of being given my license plates and my title, I was given another temporary sticker good for 3 more months while Sacarmento tries to find something wrong with my paperwork.
Nowehere did they offer to give me my taxes and registartion fees back. Almost $3000.00 is theirs to keep, while I sit here wondering what is going to happen to my paperwork.
9 out of 10 people I know who have gotten tangled with the folks at DMV have done so to get around a damn near impossible system to be able to drive their cars in this state.
We have 7800 felons they can't locate. There are 2-3 millions illegals they don't know where they are. State has attempted to grant driving priveldges to ILLEGALS.
Mexican cars, trucks buses freely drive into US from South of the border and pollute the $hit out of the air. Yet, me and other car nuts who spend most of their time just tinkering, or trailering or driving a few thousand miles a year have to go through hell.
We got our state so much in order, everything is so perfect, we must now get all these criminals with Cobras and Hotrods behind bars or confiscate their paper work, collect fines, and make them jump through every hoop possible and then some so they can go and buy gasoline at $2.45 a gallon to drive on the most cogested highways in the country.
They have time to put investigators on these but just today, I called the police department to ask for their help to send an officer from the Narcotics department to catch the Roach Coach (Lunch Truck) driver that comes by every day and allegedly sells drugs to my employees.
I got a recording, and left a message. That was at 10:00 this morning. I have yet to hear from them.
They have their priorities.
Cocaine dealers welcome. Cobra owners not.
I know the $hitheads from Sacramento read these boards, That is how they gathered the information on many of the cars we bought and sold and built and drove. They use our forum to gather information on us.
You know something, I don't care. Come and get me.
I spent over $25,000 in this state during the last 3 years, on sales taxes, registrations, Plates,fees etc. for toys alone!
My neighbor next door drives a Neon he didn't spend squat. Guess who is the target. $25,000 extra dollars gotten from me for my bike, my Cobras, my Porsche is not good enough. They want more and they want to make my life difficult.
Give ME a break.
How would the State of Califirnia be better of, if I had gotten fed up earlier and said NO and didn't buy any one of these cars. Everyone of them were slated to be sold to people in other states.California wouldn't have gotten a dime.
No wonder they are broke.
Yes I am on a tirade. I am tired of running and hiding from these people. The voice of my friends yesterday bothered me. They were grown men, with families jobs and homes, wondering what will happen to them. They were asking out loud if there could be prosecutions for fraud, or fines.
Before some self righteous tax payer gets on my soap box after I get off, I don't want to hear about "if we had done this and had done that we wouldn't have this problem".
Screw that. I did what I had to do, and State is richer for it, and I will make sure they don't get another dime from me and my vehicles.
Does anyone know anybody who paid a red cent in fines because they had out of state plates?
What is the fine for such offense. Almost NON EXISTENT.
I am willing to take my chances, and I will go to the press, I will go to Sacramento, I will make someone else's life miserable besides me.
500 lousy registrations for a State the size of California.
Give me another break..
Ok, I think I am done.
How about that Critical Mass to Sacramento with the loudest nastiest cars and trucks we can possibly drive?
The Taxpayer
OBAMA IN in 2012