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  #1941 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2004, 07:12 AM
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Talking SMEE

A radio station was running a competion - words that were not in the dictionary yet could still be used in a sentence that make logical sense. The prize was a trip to Bali.
DJ: Dave whats your word?
CALLER: GOAN… spelt G-O-A-N pronounced go-an
DJ: Correct Dave goan is not in the dictionary. Now for a trip to Bali: What sentence can you use that word in that makes sense?
CALLER: GOAN f**k yourself!
The DJ cut the caller short and took other calls, all unsucessful until:
DJ: What’s your name
DJ: Jeff, Whats your word?
CALLER: SMEE, spelt S-M-E-E pronounced smee.
DJ: You are correct, Jeff SMEE is not in the dictionary. Now for a trip to Bali. What sentence can you use that word in that would make sense?
CALLER: SMEE again! GOAN f**k yourself!
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