I only had a short amount of time with Mr. Yoshida, but the stories were great! He told of when he picked the car up and was scared $#@#less on the way home. He said he went out at 2 am for the next couple of weeks to "learn" how to drive the car!
He lived in Chicago and was a chemist. He told me of the time that some "rednecks" in a GTO came up to a stoplight and were teasing him about his small car and how it might knock their kneecaps off.... Well he said he revved it to blow the carbon out, then pretty much left them standing at the light... The next stopsign he waited for them to catch up and they (with their mouths open) asked him "what is that???" With a one finger salute, he took off again...
Oh, and he also said he always kept some money clipped to his drivers license for those times when he got pulled over...
I feel lucky to have spent the time with him and see such a rare find. I'll share some of the info you've supplied with him. I don't know what his plans are for the car - he was either intentionally not specific or just doesn't know. Perhaps he'll hire me to restore it.....?