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All the parts in my replicas are made in the USA with the exception of a few Lucas parts from the UK. I would also like to thank whoever is killing the steel market in the USA. My steel cost has doubled in the last month. When I get a quote it is only good for 24 hours and some won't even guarantee that. So far I have been eating the extra cost but if it keeps going up I have no choice but to raise my prices. We already work on slim margins and this doesn't help. I'm trying my best to keep everything american made. We need to keep our workforce here! I try and buy everything I can with the sticker "made in the USA" but some things it's almost impossible anymore. Or, some things are made here and assembled in Mexico. I see nothing wrong with being an american and wanting my product to be made here. I'm tired of supporting the rest of the world and we can't even provide a decent education for our kids. My property taxes went up $600 this year because the feds and state cut the education buget by millions. It has to come from somewhere.