Steel prices => China. They are gobblin' up all of the steel they can get their hands on.
replica parts -- even the front suspension parts? (I thought all of the newer parts were being made in Mexico.) Major kudos to you for keeping the "Make in the USA" in your cars!!!!
Taxes -- I don't know about your town, but the biggest problem in our area are TIFs. We had a number of big-box stores move in and get a lot of TIF money. They don't have to pay property taxes for say 20 years. Smaller businesses (like my wife's) and home owners (like us) end up making up the difference.
Everyone... this is still America! If there is a product that is being manufactured overseas, compete with the product and build one here! Yes, I know, chances are you'll go out of business pretty darn quick because John Q. Public votes with his pocketbook. But there are exeptions.
Teddy Bears are made where? China? India? There is no way that a US company could compete with China and India in making Teddy Bears, right?
Wrong. Surf to: