Not Ranked
I'm confused. It's a no reserve auction but the seller reserves the right to end the auction at any time because he is taking offers.
So, what if I DID win the e-bay bid but it was less than somebody offered outside of e-bay and I couldn't buy the car as a result?
It is against e-bay policy to do such a deal, offer on e-bay and then stop the auction and sell outside of e-bay.
It appears that there really IS a "reserve" of at least 25K, matching the "local" offer he all ready has. If no one bids over $25K on e-bay, he simply stops the sale on e-bay.
Now when the Kirkhams offer a no reserve car for auction it is perfectly clear what that means. The ARE going to sell the car to the highest E-BAY bidder, for $1 if thats the highest bid!
Something aint right with this Shell Valley auction............