Mr. Fixit,
You are right...the fuel pump shouldn't overpower the needle valve.
We have one here right now with that very problem. Seems dirt or gunk of some sort must have gotten sucked up. Who knows how as the filter is only 12 inches away...
Driving along fine and dandy, and then the engine just bogs down terribly and dies no matter what you do. Sometimes you can save it and start it back up but it runs like crap. We saw it pumping fuel out of the vent tube once and filled up the carb...and then the cylinders. Out came the plugs and each cylinder sent out a geyser of fuel. (Where is the Taliban when you need them).
Later, new test drive; everything fine and running hard when a fuel air bomb goes off and sprays fuel everywhere out of the air cleaner and onto the fenders with a huge backfire. (Where's the Taliban...) Take the plugs out, pump out all the fuel from the cylinders and repeat the process.
Driving me crazy. Anyway, any suggestions? I would love to figure this one out.
Many thanks in advance for any help.