Petek you said:
"(Just for the record, yes I have, a couple failed big time, a few did so-so but actually made money, a couple did very well. Although I could stop working my day job, the job sure does a great job of taking care of my health insurance needs and putting bucks into my 401k.)"
If your second job would not support your whole lifestyle then it was not successful. Too many small businesses are run just to provide a sub-par paycheck just so they will not have to answer to someone. If the business cannot afford basic benefits for its owner and employees then maybe it is not a viable business. Heck if you cannot afford basic health insurance are you really making a profit? Now if you look at it as a side business then it may be worth it as long as it does not interfere with your day job.
Many "small" businesses are running without health insurance and many are not even paying for workers comp, general liability etc. Who are they trying to fool?
Maybe all those guys who used to work at good paying "factory" jobs are now running a small business at break even with no health insurance, workers comp or general liability?
I think the message here is this outsourcing will not stop until nobody has a job one day. Maybe China will pay us unemployment so we can keep buying their products?