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No, the problem is... seems to be... my firewall. We've had Norton antivirus for two years on this computer and recently reregistered for Norton/Symantec virus protection, which apparently comes with a firewall which we didn't have before, or the firewall wasn't as sophisticated or aggressive or something. Anyway, after we had a computer guy come in and go through the computer and clean out the cobwebs, etc., he found that, by turning off the firewall, I could go to CC and see the icons; also the advertisers, which the FW filtered out.
So-what is there on CC that the protection software perceives as a threat and why?
Ron, Brent, are you guys able to do something on the CC end, or is this an actual Norton problem? I expect finger pointing in both directions, but is protection software becoming more discriminating or is this likely a problem they'll identify and fix?