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My Midstates is built round tube and the wall thickness was custom beefed (talk to Bob Kallio) to 1/4 inch for extra stiffness.
At the time (1992) the Midstates was way superior to the Shell Valley in my opinion (as I recall the shell valley was square tube).
I would go with the Midstates round tube and have the main tube thickness beefed. I've put a lot of power to the ground for along time and the body and frame are mint (except for the body repairs after being put into the wall at well over 100mph at Heartland Park - but thats another story). Thinking of that, the suspension arms were all bent, shocks broven etc, but the frame never moved. The alignment is still with minimal shims that are symmetrical. A good testament to the strength of this frame.
BTW I have a lot of photos, but they are not digital and I have no way to get them onto the confuser - sorry. If I could get your address somehow without the whole world knowing it, I'd send one or two to you.
You could also call Bob Kallio and see if he has any good photos he could send. I really like Bob and he has always helped with anything he could. The Midstates family is absolutely the best.
E. Wood
10.69 @ 129.83mph - on pump gas and street tires