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To the Oltoff family, please accept my heartfelt condolences.
I hardly knew Bob, but I'd read about his great adventures, and his great contributions, including the most recent hands-on work on the Coupe.
But I was most struck by him at VIR. There he gave me advice, cajoled and yelled at me, and in general made me better, and gave advice to make my car better. The competitive, perfectionist, great-hearted man helped me and many others. And I had the priviledge of seeing how his family is a Family, doing this wonderful work as a family, and inculcating from toddler age. And I also had the priviledge of meeting Dennis, clearly in the mold, helping me with driving and long-distance rollbar installation, to his utter frustration, but eventual victory.
So, I am grateful to Bob for what he did for the sport, for what he did for me, and for the great tradition now embodied by the Oltoff family.
For that, I again offer my respectful and grateful condolences to family and friends.
Many events in the future will include some moments of rememberence for Bob Oltoff, some quiet, and some raucous, but he will remain in our hearts as we, too, encompass this sport, this passion.
Thanks, Bob. With respect, gratitude, and affection.