Thread: E- Brake Help
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Old 04-19-2004, 11:15 AM
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Default E- Brake Help


I need some help with an E-Brake problem. I have a B & B with a standard 8.8 rear(disk brakes) Right now my E-Brake is useless because it will not stop the car from rolling. All cables etc. seem to be hooked up properly and the rest of the breaking system works fine. I have adjusted the handle to tighten things up, which almost worked but once I release the e-brake the rear brakes are still being applied. The extra tension from the adjustment is still pulling on the cable. I found out the hard way when I went down the road and said to myself what’s that smell. Oh that’s just my brakes burning up! So before I go fiddling with every nut and bold I wanted to see if there was an easy solution. Is there another adjustment at the wheel that I can make? I know I can make an adjustment where the 2 cables transition into 1 but I am thinking I would have the same excess tension problem.
Any Suggestions?

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